Thursday, September 13, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 13 . Healthy Relationships #2 Best Friends

Hey girls!

This week we are back with another post on our little series on 'Healthy Relationships'. This week we are going to talk about best friends. Maybe you've known your best friends for years, or maybe just a few years/months either way they are very important in your life. Your best friends don't need to be the people you hang out with everyday, or are in the same club, but the friend/s that you can fully trust, that always has your back, that you are completely comfortable around and so on.

When you have a pregnancy at a young age probably one of your first instincts will be to tell your best friend but we just advize you to be very careful, this is a very serious and mature matter, you shouldn't feel obligated to tell them. Also don't just tell any of your friends because this is really something very private which you may not want every one at your school to know.

There's no real rules to what your best friend must do or be, but we think it's someone that should bring out the best in you, that's there for you and that doesn't make you do or be things you aren't (in negative ways).

Additionally you may find that your best friends change as you go through high school, so don't be afraid of making new friends and letting them be there for you.

That's really all we wanted to say but don't forget this will be a time where along with your family you will really need the support of your best friends.

Thank You <3

P.S: Don't forget to look for our weekly inspirational quote on Sunday!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We're Back!

Hey girls!
You may have missed us. We actually took this month off, but now August is over and September just started so we are going to keep posting weekly discussions and important information about teenage pregnancy.
We decided to change things a little bit. Our weekly discussions used to go up every Monday, but know we decided that we are going to start posting them every Wednesday.
We also decided to post inspirational quotes weekly. Those will be up every Sunday.
The new schedule will strat next weekm (12/9)

As always don't forget to tell us your stories in the comments or send us an e-mail at
And remember, we can help you and you can help girls in the same situation.

Thank you <3

Monday, July 30, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 12. Telling your Parents #1

We have now started a new series of posts, Telling your Parents, we got inspired by this when we had the chance of talking to a mother of a pregnant teenage daughter. We asked her for some advice from a motherly's point of view, like how do tell your parents, she said you shoud tell your parents, they may seem upset but they love you no matter what and they'll want to help you, actually she wrote a couple lines for us
" Its pretty hard to handle but you love her no matter what. I think girls are more drama than a boy but you have to teach her to communicate or she will just shut you out."

Some other pointers she gave us on this matter is that you have to know your parents, there are no rules on how to tell your parents, you have to know your parents, follow your heart and brain if you do this then you'll be fine. Again even if your parents seem upset or angry at first give them time, remember you also had to give time to yourself to get used to this, maybe you haven't had enough time for yourself. The same way you want your parents to be understanding of this situation you have to be understanding of them.

Leave your stories and thoughts in the comments below or send us an email to 

Don't forget you can always email us or leave in a comment suggestion for weekly discussions or a new post. Also send us questions, we will try and answer them, also if we feel like it may help other girls we will do a post with the question and our answer so other people can comment with their thoughts on the question.

Thank you<3

Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 11. The Pregnancy Pact

In 2010 a movie was released called "The Pregncny Pact", based on a true story the movie is narrated by a blogger which focuses on Teenge Pregnancy, after finding out the pregancyies at her old school increased from 10 to 18 yearly in just a month she decides to investigate. She finds out girls in the school made a pregnany pact so they could raise the babies together.

After watcing the movie we were shocked and decided to do some research and found that there have been numerous cases of this happening.

We can see where these girls were coming from, after all the idea of havng somene that will always love you, someone small and cute, especially when all your frinds also have one, it doesn't seem as a bad idea after all. The thing is a pregnancy and raising a baby is smething a teenage girl in today's society is not prepared for this type of responsibility, a baby is real, the cry is real, the baby needs to be fed, needs to be loved.

Being a mother is a good thing, and if you are pregnant when you are a teenager you should embrace your child, but if you aren't then you should prevent a pregnqncy and save your motherhood for when you are older and fully prepared for this blessing.

Leave your thoughts about pregnancy pacts in the comments below or send us an email to:

Don't forget you can always email us or leave in a comment suggestion for weekly discussions or a new post. Also send us questions, we will try and answer them, also if we feel like it may help other girls we will do a post with the question and our answer so other people can comment with their thoughts on the question.

Thank you<3

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 10. Wizpert

You may have noticed something new on our sidebar.... Wizpert! A few weeks back we were asked to join wizpert and become an expert there. Wizpert is a community where people that have blogs are invited to join to give advice when ether its on parenting, technology, expanding your business among many others, we fall into the parenting category.

You can ask a question in the small box in the sidebar and we will then either accept or deny your request, we can only accept a request if we are online, we can then have a one on one conversation with you, this is a great way to seek for help or even if you just want to talk to someone, this will be the place to go.

You can also request an invite on Wizpert so you can talk to other experts on Wizpert, you can also visit their Blog.

What do YOU think about wizpert, leave your thoughts  in the comments below or send us an email to:

Don't forget you can always email us or leave in a comment suggestion for weekly discussions or a new post. Also send us questions, we will try and answer them, also if we feel like it may help other girls we will do a post with the question and our answer so other people can comment with their thoughts on the question.

Thank you<3

Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 9 . Healthy Relationships #1 Boyfriends

We are going to start to have weekly discussions on Healthy Relationships, this week we are doing an overview of a healthy relationship with you're boyfriend. There are many aspect which make a good relationship, here are a few things:

          1) You should be able to be comfortable, be yourself when you are with your boyfriend. You shouldn't change yourself for a boyfriend, this doesn't mean not becoming a better person and growing up but staying true to yourself.
          2) Trust, this is very important it is something which slowly becomes bigger and bigger, it is also great for you to have someone which will support you and which you can trust, someone which you can go to when you are having a bad day.
          3)Respect, it's is important for you to respect your boyfriend and vice versa.
          4)Having other group of friends, in a healthy relationship you should still keep in contact with other friends, go to separate activities, it's great t be committed but never forget all the other people in you're life, make sure to keep it balanced.
          5)Communication, this comes handed with most aspects which we've discussed having a good communication is essential in any relationship, with out communication the other person doesn't know your feelings, your thoughts, beliefs, everything.
          6) Friendship, we believe a relationship should be based on a relationship, your boyfriend should be your friend, a best friend, this doesn't mean not having other friends, a relationship with a friendship is like a house without a furniture, glasses without lenses and a perfume without a scent.

Kids Health This website is great, it has many articles on relationships as well as all the other things you as a teenager go through, definitively worth checking out,
This is a particular article on having a healthy relationship.

Leave your stories and thoughts in the comments below or send us an email to
Thank you <3

Monday, July 2, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 8. Pressure by Society

Have you ever felt like you are pressured to have sex,  every girl has had sex but you, and now you have to have sex? Then YOU are being pressured. The truth is not every girl is having sex and you certainly don't need to have sex.
Many teenagers get pregnant because they are pressured to have sex, this is not very good because you might not be emotionally prepared to have sex, you should decide when to have sex, when you feel is the right time. 
This will be our topic for this weekly discussion. What do you think? Have you ever been pressured?

Leave your stories and thoughts in the comments below or send us an email to
Thank you <3