Am I Pregnant?

For you to be pregnant you have had to have a sex, if you have not, then you have nothing to worry about!
If you have had a sex and you think you may be pregnant you are probably going to be like oh no! Before you worry read the following symptoms, if you do not identify yourselves with any of these symptoms wait a couple of days and if you still think you may be pregnant take a home pregnancy test.

Spotting or light bleeding and cramping: This is usually 6 to 12 days after the conception; this can also be caused by your menstruation, altered menstruation, effects by your birth control or abrasion from intercourse.

Missed period: This is one of the main symptoms for women because usually after you become pregnant you miss your next period, there can be bleeding from the pregnancy but it is usually lighter. You can also miss a period from weight gain or loss, birth control pill, stress, hormonal problems and tension.

Tender or Swollen breasts: This is an early symptom for pregnancy, usually after 1 or 2 weeks after conception, the breasts may feel tender, swollen, sore and are sensitive. This is also a PMS (Pre Menstrual Symptoms) but it is usually feels more sore than in you PMS. It also might get better after the first three months into you pregnancy because your body adjusts to the hormone levels. This can also be caused by hormonal balance and the birth control pills you may be taking.

Nausea or morning sickness: Morning sickness is another well-known symptom for pregnancy, it usually happens 2 to 8 weeks after conception. But, some women never have morning sickness throughout their whole pregnancy. You can also experience this if you are stressed, taking any birth control method, having stomach disorders or food poisoning.

Headaches: The pregnancy causes a sudden rise in the hormones in your body. It can cause a headache many times but there are also many common causes for a headache.

Frequent urination: It is frequent for 6 to 8 weeks into your pregnancy to feel more need to go the bathroom and usually as you go on with your pregnancy you will need to urinate more and more frequently, but it can also be caused by urinary infections and diabetes.

Darkening of Areolas: You may find that the skin around you nipples of darker. This can either be the sign of a pregnancy or hormonal imbalance, and a left over effect of you previous pregnancy.

Food cravings or food aversions: It is usual for pregnant women to have food cravings or create aversions towards some food. This usually lasts through out your whole pregnancy, even though it is not common, it can also be the result of a poor diet, stress, depression and impending menstruation.

Abdominal bloating: This is a common pregnancy symptom. With the changes of hormones your abdominal area has a tendency to bloat, some women may also experience this before their period.

Fatigue (feeling tiered): It is common to feel more tired than usual in your pregnancy because of the sudden change of hormone levels and the fact you have got a baby inside you! Usually around 6 months into your pregnancy you start being more energetic.

Now that you have read some of the more common symptoms you should take a home pregnancy test, follow the instructions,  they usually tell you to take at a certain time of the day for example morning and then to wait two days and take another one. Remember it can read of negative even if you are positive so wait a couple of days and take another one. Even if you are scared of it being positive, take the test. DO NOT IGNORE IT, a pregnancy will always catch up so the sooner you deal with it the more time you have to plan and think through your pregnancy.

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