
Now that you found out that you are pregnant, you might feel scared and worried but you need to sit down and think carefully about what you are going to do with the baby. You might want to discuss with someone what is the best option but the ultimate decision is yours.
You have three different options. You can either go for abortion, adoption or you can keep the baby. Take your time and don’t choose the one that people are pressuring you to choose.

Keeping the Baby

If you feel that you are capable of keeping your baby and you want to keep it, then do it. In the beginning it will be hard for you but you need to stay strong. Your parents, grandparents and the rest of your family can help you and that can be very important because if you are a teenager you are probably in school and you need to go to classes and study. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be a good mother, this means that it will be hard but that you will get used to it and with some support you will go through it. In the end I think that you will feel proud of yourself, so young and raising a child. If you are keeping the baby you should look into church nurseries, many of them give support to teen mothers. A great idea is if you can arrange to keep the baby in the nursery during the day for free and then go there and work after school. That should pay for the nursery. This is a great solution if want to continue in school but you have no one to leave the baby with.


Adoption is one of the options you can go for.

If you choose adoption you can choose a regular (closed) adoption or a open adoption. Like in the other methods, you need to think carefully.

In a closed adoption as in other adoption you come to an agreement with the parents, usually it is that you can’t contact the baby until the baby is 18. 
If you go for a closed adoption you need to have the pregnancy as if you were keeping the baby  but when you have the baby you can leave him in a safe place like a foster home. If after years, you or your baby what to meet each other it will be difficult, but with bit of effort you will be able to find each other.

In an open adoption it can vary a lot, some parents allow you to visit the baby while others send a school picture every year. Depending on what you want, you probably will have to meet many parents and interview them so you are sure you find good parents that will take proper care of your baby.
All those details can be discussed with the adoptive parents and with you. This can be a good option if you want to make sure that your child will have good and caring parents that can give him an education and lots of love.

Adoption can be a very good option if you think you can’t keep the baby or you don’t want to. You can give the baby for adoption and help a couple with infertility problems or for example a gay couple who wants to have a baby.

Abortion is another one of the options you have.
You need to know that if you choose abortion you will never be able to go back. You will kill that baby and it won’t come back to life.
Before you use abortion you have to make sure that you have enough information and if that’s what you really want.
There are different ways of abortion and you should visit a doctor or a pharmacy to choose the best one for you. If you don’t want to go there with one of your parents or you don’t want to tell an adult, ask a close friend to go with you.
Personally, we don’t support abortion but it is an option. We think that it’s not the baby’s fault that you don’t want to have that baby. If you have an important reason, then abortion can be the best option. But think about it. think carefully.

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