What next?

The best thing to do if you are a teenager and you are pregnant is to talk to someone, I know it might seem scary but you really need to talk to someone. This depends on how comfortable you are with your parents and partner.
If you are too scared of talking to your parents or scared of their reaction because you feel that you are disappointing them, talk to a friend first. Choose your friend wisely, you want a friend which you can trust 100%, you do not want that friend to go around school telling everyone. Then sit down with your parents maybe with the help of your partner or friend and tell them. All you need is a couple seconds of courage, your parents love you and they will love you no matter what.
If you really feel that you cannot talk to your parents talk to a trusted adult like your teacher. I know it might seem strange talking to your teacher, but sometimes you may find a teacher which is really willing to help you. Again, it can also help to talk to your teacher with a friend that already knows you are pregnant and has dealt with the situation. Other trusted adults may be friends of parents, aunts whatever you feel you can trust.
The initial reaction of the person that you tell you are pregnant may not be very good, you have to give them time, it is also scary to have a friend, student, girlfriend and daughter that is pregnant.
The next step is to visit a doctor, you may prefer to do this before you tell any adult or friend but remember it is very important to visit a doctor, you have a baby inside you and you need to take precautions for example no drinking alcohol and drugs, you may need to take supplements, whatever is best for the baby. You should really trust your doctor that is the best thing you can do for your baby.
Then you need to make a plan, talk to your parents, discuss your future. You do not need to have a step by step plan of your whole life but consider your options, abortion, adoption, keeping the baby etc.

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