Monday, July 23, 2012

Weekly Discussions - Week 11. The Pregnancy Pact

In 2010 a movie was released called "The Pregncny Pact", based on a true story the movie is narrated by a blogger which focuses on Teenge Pregnancy, after finding out the pregancyies at her old school increased from 10 to 18 yearly in just a month she decides to investigate. She finds out girls in the school made a pregnany pact so they could raise the babies together.

After watcing the movie we were shocked and decided to do some research and found that there have been numerous cases of this happening.

We can see where these girls were coming from, after all the idea of havng somene that will always love you, someone small and cute, especially when all your frinds also have one, it doesn't seem as a bad idea after all. The thing is a pregnancy and raising a baby is smething a teenage girl in today's society is not prepared for this type of responsibility, a baby is real, the cry is real, the baby needs to be fed, needs to be loved.

Being a mother is a good thing, and if you are pregnant when you are a teenager you should embrace your child, but if you aren't then you should prevent a pregnqncy and save your motherhood for when you are older and fully prepared for this blessing.

Leave your thoughts about pregnancy pacts in the comments below or send us an email to:

Don't forget you can always email us or leave in a comment suggestion for weekly discussions or a new post. Also send us questions, we will try and answer them, also if we feel like it may help other girls we will do a post with the question and our answer so other people can comment with their thoughts on the question.

Thank you<3

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