Birth Control

Nowadays there are several methods but none are 100% efficient. The only way to be totally sure is to abstain (not having sex).

There are several ways you can improve efficiency, first always check you cycle and see which days you are less fertile, you will have to look closely to your cycle, keep track of it, there are websites that offer a calender and say which days yo are less fertile. For example, if you have a regular cycle of 28 that lasts 5 days then your least fertile days are from day 6 to day 11, but as a teenager you may still not have a regular cycle. 
We also think which ever method you choose you can also increase it’s efficiency by using a condom. On it’s own, it isn’t very efficient but it is a cheap and accessible way to lower the chances of getting pregnant. It also prevents against STD’s but remember if you are going to have sex always have you and your partner checked for STD’s at a medical clinic.
Also with all the birth control methods if you use them correctly the chances of pregnancy also decrease so it can be in you best interest to talk to a professional, someone at your clinic or pharmacist. They would be happy to help and inform you about how to best use your method of birth control.

We have come across an excellent website that offers reliable and detailed information about most birth control methods. But, there are a few which we do not support for example the Morning after pill, sterilization etc... Click here to go to that website.

We have found a small quiz you can take to see which birth control method fits you best, to go there Click here.

Abstinency: This is the only way which will guarantee you safe from a pregnancy and STD’s. But, it may not be for you. You have to fully commit to not having sex, if you are not willing to do that, then this method is not for you. As a teenager we believe this is the BEST option.

Birth Control Implant: This is a very effective method, has less than 1 pregnancy in every 100 women that use it per year, it will last for up to 3 years and is very convenient, it must be inserted by a health provider and can cost from 400$ to 800$ (320€ to 640€), this makes it difficult to access for you as teenager but if it is something you can talk with your parents and they have the finance to do that, then it can be one of the best birth control methods. But remember, even though it is very effective method, remember to use another method, for a example a male condom. This method does not protect against STD’s so it's also something to be concerned if you are sexually active.

Birth Control Patch: This is a small patch that sticks to your skin, it does not prevent STD’s and in every 100 women that use it, there are 2 to 9 pregnancies a year. It is easily accessible but you need to get a prescription and it costs between 15$ and 80$ a month, (12€ and 64€). The way it works is it releases hormones into your body,similar to the pill.

Birth Control Pills: You have probably heard about them, they are really common and easily accessible. There are up to 9 pregnancies every year per 100 women that use it but it does not protect against STD’s. Like the Birth control patch it releases hormones that don’t allow you to get pregnant. But you have to be really careful about taking it everyday because if you miss one day it can affect it’s efficiency.

Birth Control Shot: It is a shot which you take and it will prevent a pregnancy for 12 weeks but it does cost 35$ to 75$ per shot (28€ to 60€), there is up to 9 pregnancies every year per 100 women that use it so it is pretty effective. It works similar to the birth control pill it releases hormones, it prevents your body from releasing the egg and it thickens the mucous of your cervix so it is harder for the sperm to pass through it. This method does not protect against STD’s.

Birth Control Sponge: I know it seems quite strange, a sponge? Well it’s a small sponge which you usually buy in packs of three for 9$ to 15$ (7€ to 12€) which you wet with water and then insert it into your vagina, it blocks the sperms from getting to your egg and it also has spermicide which stops the sperm from moving. It doesn’t protect against STD’s.

Birth Control Vaginal Ring (Nuva Ring): The vagina ring is a small ring you insert in your vagina for 3 weeks, wait one week and then insert it again, as many other birth control methods it works by releasing hormones.  It’s effectiveness is that from 100 women who use it in a year there are 2 to 9 pregnancies. So remember to also use other birth control methods.  Its price usually ranges between 15$ and 80$ (12€ and 64€), obviously it will change depending on where you live. This method also doesn’t prevents against STD’s.

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